Statement on the Arrest of Jose Maria Sison in the NetherlandsOn August 27th, 2007, Comrade Jose Maria Sison was arrested by the Dutch authorities for alleged criminal acts in the Netherlands around the death of two men in the Philippines. Comrade Sison has been harassed by Dutch authorities for the last two decades, pressured by US Imperialists and the Arroyo clique.
The Filipino people have a long history of fighting against colonialism and Imperialism of all sorts for centuries. This long history of struggle has continued to this very day, as US Imperialists exploit and plunder the Filipino nation. Comrade Sison, affectionately known as ‘Joma’ by the masses of people, was the founding chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines, which organized the New People’s Army in 1969 and launched a Protracted People’s War that continues to this day. In 1977, the Marcos regime arrested Sison and tortured him for nearly a decade. In 1986, when the fascist Marcos dictatorship fell and Sison was released from prison, Comrade Sison went into exile in the Netherlands. After much struggle with the Dutch authorities, he finally received political asylum in 1992.
The US Imperialists and the Arroyo clique have waged a brutal campaign against the forces for Democracy and Liberation in the Philippines. In the last few years, the Arroyo thugs have murdered over 800 political activists, clamped down on democratic organizations, and waged an intense war against the New People’s Army. In this process, US Imperialists and the Arroyo clique have begun their campaign to target Jose Maria Sison. The US has officially designated Comrade Sison a ‘terrorist,’ and the European Union, following the heels of the US, did precisely the same; however Comrade Sison won his appeal to the European Union to change his status.
Jose Maria Sison is far from a ‘terrorist.’
Comrade Sison still works for the liberation of the Filipino people from outside of the Philippines and for the struggles of oppressed and exploited peoples throughout the world. Comrade Sison became a political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and the chairman of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle. He remains a fierce and determined fighter for Revolution and Liberation throughout the world and a supporter of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army fight for revolutionary socialist change for the Filipino people.
This being said, the CPP has been stating for over 20 years that Sison is no longer involved in operational decisions and that he serves the revolutionary movement in an advisory capacity in Europe. The treatment of Comrade Sison by the Dutch authorities is a glaring slap to the face of the struggle of oppressed peoples. Sison has been under solitary confinement, isolated from his family, his supporters, and the people of the world. Such is the hypocrisy of the Dutch authorities, while imprisoning and inhumanely isolating a champion of the people, they follow lockstep with the butchers George W. Bush and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
The Single Spark Collective stands with Comrade Jose Maria Sison and demands his immediate release. The Dutch authorities are blatantly acting in the interests of US Imperialism and the Filipino fascists by arresting Sison. We defend the revolutionary struggle of the Filipino people and stand with their leadership.
Free Comrade Jose Maria Sison!
Long Live the Filipino Revolution!(September 2, 2007)
[Other Statements on Sison's arrest include
The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA,
Freedom Road Socialist Organization/Organización Socialista del Camino para la Libertad,
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (Fight Back),
Party for Socialism and Liberation,
National Lawyers' Guild]
Labels: Jose Maria Sison, Phillippines